ACT! vs Outlook Business Contact Manager

  • Thread starter Thread starter dandtnor
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I am a loyal ACT! user. Thinking of converting to BCM. Any othe
converts out there that would like to share your successes or failures
I really like being able to manage email and contacts in the sam
application. Concerned about the sync problems that are poste
I am a loyal ACT! user. Thinking of converting to BCM. Any other
converts out there that would like to share your successes or failures?
I really like being able to manage email and contacts in the same
application. Concerned about the sync problems that are posted

I'm in the same boat.

I tried BCM and its features appear to be quite good.

Where I ground to a halt was importing my Act! data into BCM.

BCM has the ability to import directly from an Act! database but, sadly, it
doesn't work properly. It fails to import certain critical fields and also
barfs on some of the formatting, creating a monster error log.

Until the importer is fixed by the BCM developers it's pretty much


Tim Jackson
South Africa
(e-mail address removed)
