Thanks Luther. That's an interesting idea. Is there any documentation to
review to see how the records should look?
- Show quoted text -
Create an account and add a PhoneLog and a Task to it. Just give them
names/subjects, the other fields don't matter.
Then export just that account to a BCM file and open the BCM file in
notepad--with earlier versions BCM you can only export the entire
database, in which case you'll have to search for the new account in
the BCM file.
In the file the account will have the PhoneLog and Task as sub-
sections. Compare the two.
Edited for brevity, you should see something like this:
So, to import the PhoneLog as a task, change the value of ActivityType
from 15 to 17.
Note that BCM will only create Outlook Tasks for Tasks that will
complete in the future, otherwise it just records the task in BCM, so
that it appears in the Account's history.
You can fiddle with the other values of the ACT PhoneLogs in the XML
to customize the Tasks that will be created in Outlook/BCM.
I did something similar a few years ago and ended up writing a simple
program to generate the required BCM to import data from another
application. The trick is to experiment with the XML fields to see
what goes where and so on. Depending on how much data you have it will
either be easier to make the changes manually in BCM, or, if you have
sufficient data, it will be worth you time to massage the data in the
BCM file.