Stan said:
We may work very differently, but those intervals seem dangerously
long to me.
Look at it this way: on the 28th your disk crashes. You restore your
backup from the first, and now you have four weeks' work to re-
Myself, I back up weekly, but occasionally at midweek if I've spent a
particularly long time creating something that would be hard to
reconstruct. The standard recommendation is *daily*, but I'll admit I
don't do that.
I think any kind of "standard" recommendation like that is meaningless. How
often you should back up depends on you and how you use your computer. For
some people, daily might be a very strong requirement, since there is a lot
of important data created or modified each day. For someone else, who
creates far fewer files, and could easily recreate what thy did in th elast
week, a much longer interval is satisfactory. Still other might use a system
of tiered backup, backing some files up daily and others much less
frequently. For example, I backup my financial data (Quicken) to a thumb
drive almost every day, but I image the entire drive much less frequently.
But I agree that if that's all he does, nor's backup interval sound much
longer than would be satisfactory for most people. Perhaps he's an exception
though, and doesn't create or modify many files.