I have used PM for years, and currently have version 8 working with
XP SP-2. I have found it very reliable under win95, 98, and XP.
I have also heard good things about Disk Director, but have not
personally used it. I have used a backup program called True Image
by Acronis (makers of Disk Director) and found it easier to use than
GHOST (made by Symantec, which now owns the rights to PM). Also,
Aconis support is very good, whereas Symanetc support is overly
proceduralized, meaning that it takes a while to get an email to a
human, and then you are likely to be pointed to a pre-written "FAQ"
that is not completely relavent. Fortunately, I have never needed
support on PM, although the same can not be said for most other
Symantec/Norton products in recent years.
As for .Net framework, PM8 does not use that. The main reason is
that PM8 works under win95 through XP, and .Net is only an XP/2000
thing. Also PM8 does its real work in boot-mode, where .Net is not
yet initialized. Perhaps you are thinking about Norton GHOST
versions 9 or 10, which use .Net? PM8 can also be run from a couple
of bootable floppies, which it makes for you during the
installation. (1) Make these ! (2) Save them, as they can save you
should anything go wrong during partition operations (e.g., power