If you are trying to download and save "academic journals"
you may need special passwords or server rights to download
or save the files to your local hard drive. Some of these
academic services such as J-Stor are very difficult to use,
you have to connect through a college server very often.
| downloading image viewer didnt help unfortunately, but
| will try the right click- though i dont think it works
| with academic journals...
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Go to
www.adobe.com and download the free Adobe Acrobat
| >Viewer, it will work alone to open PDF files and as a
| >plug-in to Internet Explorer. But any file can be
| >downloaded to your computer with the "save target as"
| >command on the right click on the link.
| >
| >
| >| >| if anyone could help me!
| >| my internet ex^plorer refuses to download/open any pdf
| >| files. i'm clueless as to what to do!
| >| has it to do with default settings?
| >
| >
| >.
| >