Hello from Australia,
I am new to this Newsgroup and fairly new to Excel
programming as well, but the opportunity to talk to such a
newsgroup looks very hopeful indeed.
My problem is in trying to obtain the names of a group of
files and use them in a program.
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename("DAT files(*.dat),
*.dat", 1, "Select DAT files", , False)
the last parameter, "False", indicates a single selection
and it is stored in "fName", which I can use in a statement
such as: MsgBox "File(s): " & fName
This works ok.
What is the form of the statement for multiple files? i.e.:
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename("DAT files(*.dat),
*.dat", 1, "Select DAT files", , True)
Last parameter is "True". Does "fName" have to be declared
as an array of strings? How can I access all the filenames
from this multiple selection?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am new to this Newsgroup and fairly new to Excel
programming as well, but the opportunity to talk to such a
newsgroup looks very hopeful indeed.
My problem is in trying to obtain the names of a group of
files and use them in a program.
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename("DAT files(*.dat),
*.dat", 1, "Select DAT files", , False)
the last parameter, "False", indicates a single selection
and it is stored in "fName", which I can use in a statement
such as: MsgBox "File(s): " & fName
This works ok.
What is the form of the statement for multiple files? i.e.:
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename("DAT files(*.dat),
*.dat", 1, "Select DAT files", , True)
Last parameter is "True". Does "fName" have to be declared
as an array of strings? How can I access all the filenames
from this multiple selection?
Thanks in advance for any help.