Acessing Data Access Page for non-Access users



Im trying to make my Data Access Htm Page available to other non-Access
users. This is just a simple report with two date prompts. Users have been
getting the "Data Access Page Notification" telling them they need to install
Access Web Components. Before I go down that road, Id like to know if that
is a ll I need to install or if it is more involved. Any documentation on
these steps out there? Our machines all have XP Professional and we are on
Office 2003 sutie (although most dont have access installed).

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Sylvain Lafontaine



Sylvain, thank you - its now working great!

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Access Web Components is all you need. You may also have some security
warning but these can be easily set correctly. See the newsgroup on DAP for
more information: m.p.access.dataaccess.pages or on Google:

For those who are not on the Office 2003 suite:

However, this will only be the beginning of your problems with DAP.

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