I have an Acer Travelmate 240, which has just started a problem o
booting up and hanging when it comes to the walpaper stage. I
Ctrl-Alt-Del are pressed and the system box closed down everythin
comes back to normal
ie the taskbar appears and all the systems come online
Any ideas....... ?? I am stumpe
I have run system mechanic, and registry cleaners, to no avai
and for some unknown reason, all the system restore files have gon
west, so I cannot go back to a good setup...........
booting up and hanging when it comes to the walpaper stage. I
Ctrl-Alt-Del are pressed and the system box closed down everythin
comes back to normal
ie the taskbar appears and all the systems come online
Any ideas....... ?? I am stumpe
I have run system mechanic, and registry cleaners, to no avai
and for some unknown reason, all the system restore files have gon
west, so I cannot go back to a good setup...........