Acer! And i thought it was just me.

Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys. Some kind soul at pointed me here after i posted on the forum regarding the shocking treatment i have received from Acer's repair team.
I won't bore you all with too much detail as i can see that it's not just me thats suffering.
OK. I had a 17" TFT that went wrong. I registered for repair and it was collected at the begining of November.
I have emailed them 10 times since and get a variety of replies consisting of standard messages and others which are blunt bordering on rude.
I have checked the status of this monitor and after two months it still says the following.

Repair status Check
Serial NumberETL310400244500C88EC02
Description17", AL1702BM, W/ SPEAKER, BLACK
Repair StatusUnder Repair

Has anyone actually got anything back from Acer, that is repaired and within a reasonable amount of time.

I work for a company that is responsible for some of the IT in the NHS, and i would never reccomend Acer to anyone again.

Thanks for reading.

All the best
Hello twisterfreak, you will find an Acer thread under retailers.
Suggest you remove you Serial Number though from your post.:thumb:
And the NHS nowadays seem to go for Toshiba for Laptops or they do where i did some contracting recently.
LOL, oops. That was my pathetic hope that possibly an Acer representative would see it and sort my case out. Had to try something?

My company deals directly with the doctors and PCT's. These guys earn so much money, they all like to have new toys.
We have sold quite a few Acer monitors but thats usually when they request something thats not bog standard.
Most laptops and TFT's we sell are Fujitsu Siemens.

HI again. If its the Acer thread that is 27 pages long (cripes!) then i think it has been closed.

If there is another (double cripes!) send me on my way :)

Ooopps you in the right thread area:o
Well you can now at least see what others think of Acer, it could be worse, you could have bought from Mesh!:eek: