G.Mester said:
Yes, sure except in OL07 the account info is stored encrypted in the
Registry FYI
Then I would use a registry monitor, like InstallWatch, to check what
registry entries got changed when I updated an e-mail account defined in
Outlook. However, if they are encrypted, I suspect that they are
worthless under a different instance of Windows which would have a
different RSA seed value. If they got encrypted for security reasons
then that probably includes not allowing a registry to be usurped by
another instance of Windows. After some Googling, it appears some users
that had service contracts with Microsoft and called them were told that
there is no way to export the account settings.
There are 3rd party tools for exporting Outlook's account data. ABF
Outlook Backup is one of them. I've heard that it won't work Outlook
2007 (
http://www.outlookbackup.com/backup-outlook-2007.html), so
Microsoft screwed over everyone in that version. Guess Microsoft
figures the 5 minutes for you to create a new account and enter the
server name and your login credentials isn't worth the ability to export
and import that data. I almost suspect that a plug-in to Outlook would
be needed to have it extract the unencrypted information that Outlook
can get from the registry and then save that unencrypted data. So you
lept forward in versions but lost functionality.
So I'd suggest just writing down the account details, like server name,
port, whether SMTP authentication was used, etc. and then let the user
run OL2007 and enter the login credentials (and save them) when they get