Hello All -
I'm keeping track of the records for a football league. I
calculate the teams won/loss record and display the result
in this format: W - L or 8 - 2. Here is the array formula:
=SUM(--LEFT(C5:G5,FIND("-",C5:G5)-2))&" "&"-"&" "&SUM(--MID
This works just fine unless there are MT cells anywhere in
the range. If there are MT cells, it will return a #VALUE
error for obvious reasons. How do I account for MT
cells??? I'm thinking something along the lines of =SUM(IF
(ISTEXT........ or =SUM(IF(NOT(ISBLANK........
I'm stuck on this one! Help!
I'm keeping track of the records for a football league. I
calculate the teams won/loss record and display the result
in this format: W - L or 8 - 2. Here is the array formula:
=SUM(--LEFT(C5:G5,FIND("-",C5:G5)-2))&" "&"-"&" "&SUM(--MID
This works just fine unless there are MT cells anywhere in
the range. If there are MT cells, it will return a #VALUE
error for obvious reasons. How do I account for MT
cells??? I'm thinking something along the lines of =SUM(IF
(ISTEXT........ or =SUM(IF(NOT(ISBLANK........
I'm stuck on this one! Help!