I've set myself up with a private network - 2 machines directly connected with a crossover. One is running 2K pro, the other is running XP pro.
I've set up shares on both machines. When I try to access the 2K shares from the XP machine it's no problem at all. When I try to access the XP shares from the 2K machine, I'm prompted to enter a network password. I enter the username and password I've set up for my administrator account (and carefully press each key while typing the password so I know i'm typing it correctly) and it just says "incorrect password or unknown username for \\atlas
So, in the words of bugs bunny, 'What's up, doc?'
I've set up shares on both machines. When I try to access the 2K shares from the XP machine it's no problem at all. When I try to access the XP shares from the 2K machine, I'm prompted to enter a network password. I enter the username and password I've set up for my administrator account (and carefully press each key while typing the password so I know i'm typing it correctly) and it just says "incorrect password or unknown username for \\atlas
So, in the words of bugs bunny, 'What's up, doc?'