Accessing win2000 or XP files without 2000 or XP to do it.
Thank you all for yesterday's advice about the win2000 box and
monitor. It's working now.
I also just got a second win2000 computer I'm supposed to fix up, and
it won't boot at all.
Using any of the Safe modes displays a line for each file loaded and
there are only 5 or 6 when it tries to load
C:\WINNT\System32\config\system and then its copy
system.alt .
Neither works I presume and the next line is a message that the first
one is missing or corrupt.
If this were win98 or 95 or 3.1, I would boot into DOS and look
around. I would get another copy of the file from the net or someone
I know and copy it in.
It's not that easy with win2000 or XP, is it? Assuming I could get a
copy of this file (and it wasn't an unusual file like "System", and
assume the partition used on the computer is NTFS, how can I copy it
in, short of moving the harddrive to another computer to be a slave
drive? And short of reinstalling win2000.
Is there any kind of small bootable OS that will fit on a floppy that
will write a file to an NTFS partiton. I can change the BIOS to
boot from a CD. Is there any large bootable non-expensive OS that
will write a file to an NTFS partition?
Can win2000 also read FAT32? If it turns out the partition is FAT32,
can I copy a file to a CD, boot with a DOS 7 or 8*** boot disk with CD
support, ***the DOS that precedes or introduces win98, and then copy
in the file? The answer is NO, right, because DOS doesn't understand
NTFS. There never was and never will be a DOS that understands
So how are people supposed to repair a windows NT, 2000, or XP
installation if they only have one OS on their hard drive, like most
people do?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Thank you all for yesterday's advice about the win2000 box and
monitor. It's working now.
I also just got a second win2000 computer I'm supposed to fix up, and
it won't boot at all.

Using any of the Safe modes displays a line for each file loaded and
there are only 5 or 6 when it tries to load
C:\WINNT\System32\config\system and then its copy
system.alt .
Neither works I presume and the next line is a message that the first
one is missing or corrupt.
If this were win98 or 95 or 3.1, I would boot into DOS and look
around. I would get another copy of the file from the net or someone
I know and copy it in.
It's not that easy with win2000 or XP, is it? Assuming I could get a
copy of this file (and it wasn't an unusual file like "System", and
assume the partition used on the computer is NTFS, how can I copy it
in, short of moving the harddrive to another computer to be a slave
drive? And short of reinstalling win2000.
Is there any kind of small bootable OS that will fit on a floppy that
will write a file to an NTFS partiton. I can change the BIOS to
boot from a CD. Is there any large bootable non-expensive OS that
will write a file to an NTFS partition?
Can win2000 also read FAT32? If it turns out the partition is FAT32,
can I copy a file to a CD, boot with a DOS 7 or 8*** boot disk with CD
support, ***the DOS that precedes or introduces win98, and then copy
in the file? The answer is NO, right, because DOS doesn't understand
NTFS. There never was and never will be a DOS that understands
So how are people supposed to repair a windows NT, 2000, or XP
installation if they only have one OS on their hard drive, like most
people do?
Thanks for any help you can give.