accessing to windows register


Bruno Alexandre

Hi guys,

I'm an 2.0 developer with a almost nothing in window forms.

Because of the retriction of ASP.NET security I can't access the windows
register by it (unless I build an active x to do that, but I dn't even know
how to start if I choose that road) so I'm building a windows application
that as a webform that calls a page so I can print it (it's a dynamic page
with a Loan form application)...

I need to change the register automatically for every print so I can erase
the header and the bottom text (WebPage bla bla bla)...I know the register
keys and all, but I alwsys get this information about security warning and
VS doens't let me to move foward my program :-(

any ideas?


Are you saying that you need to access the registry in your webpage?

You can open Regedit and go to the keys you need to access and set the
security permissions for the ASP.NET user account (aspnet in XP, not sure on
2003 boxes) on those keys.

Alternatively, you can create a user account and give it all the necessary
rights and then use impersonation in your web page.

Norman Yuan

You can give permission to a registry key to any user account, as long as
you are allowed (meaning you must be an admin on the IIS to set the
permission). However, I see it is typical abusing Windows Registry. You can
very well to use web.config to do the work for you, and you, the developer,
has full control to work with web.config, no matter on which box the web app
runs, no need to trouble an admin to give permission to Windows Registry


No no, the bastard wants to change the USER's registry settings. This is
a big no no. Ought to be shot for even considering it. The user WANTS the
header and footer on there, otherwise they would have deleted it themselves?
Who do you think you are to go mucking about in a user's settings from a
web page? Yeesh.


Bruno Alexandre

on VB6 was a pretty commun thing to do, no security warnings...
dam .NET !

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