Here's an odd one, I'm currently developing a site for internal usage, to get
around their public website, I set the internal server to port 8080 (I
publish my .net from my office externally). There is no problem at all
accessing the site externally, but it is almost impossible to access
internally. I checked to make sure I have no references in the site to the
external publishing address. This may be a very simple problem, but one I
have yet to find an answer to. Thanks in advance!
around their public website, I set the internal server to port 8080 (I
publish my .net from my office externally). There is no problem at all
accessing the site externally, but it is almost impossible to access
internally. I checked to make sure I have no references in the site to the
external publishing address. This may be a very simple problem, but one I
have yet to find an answer to. Thanks in advance!