Hello all, setup a database within a network shared folder with full
permissions. Using the USL wizard have setup two groups "admins" and "full
data users". When the USL wizard completed its function it created a shortcut
on my desktop which works and applies the security levels i set for each
My issue is that if i try and open the DB from any other computer that has
full permission rights to the shared folder the security settings are not
applied and if i try to set USL from that machine it gives me an error that
"the wizard can not be run when both logged in as admin and the database has
been previously secured" The DB is set to open as "shared" and the following
files are in the shared folder - "NBL.bak", "NBL.mdb", NBL.snp" and
"secured.mdw" I also copied the "system.mdw" into the folder bur USL still
not set. I am an intermeduate user, downloaded the "issue tracking" DB from
office website and made some modifications only. ANY HELP WOULD BE
permissions. Using the USL wizard have setup two groups "admins" and "full
data users". When the USL wizard completed its function it created a shortcut
on my desktop which works and applies the security levels i set for each
My issue is that if i try and open the DB from any other computer that has
full permission rights to the shared folder the security settings are not
applied and if i try to set USL from that machine it gives me an error that
"the wizard can not be run when both logged in as admin and the database has
been previously secured" The DB is set to open as "shared" and the following
files are in the shared folder - "NBL.bak", "NBL.mdb", NBL.snp" and
"secured.mdw" I also copied the "system.mdw" into the folder bur USL still
not set. I am an intermeduate user, downloaded the "issue tracking" DB from
office website and made some modifications only. ANY HELP WOULD BE