I've to get the queue details from the remote printers in th
network.How can I identify those automatically and get the details o
those using vc++?
I know how to do this for the local printer n its not working if I giv
"\\\\servername\\printer name".
I tried EnumPrinters() also but its working for PRINTER_ENUM_NETWORK
_REMOTE with PRINTER_INFO_1 structure only n this structure is no
giving the printer name for NT systems.
So,pls help me as the submission date for my module is nearing by.
Pls reply me asap.
Thank you verymuch in advance.
I've to get the queue details from the remote printers in th
network.How can I identify those automatically and get the details o
those using vc++?
I know how to do this for the local printer n its not working if I giv
"\\\\servername\\printer name".
I tried EnumPrinters() also but its working for PRINTER_ENUM_NETWORK
_REMOTE with PRINTER_INFO_1 structure only n this structure is no
giving the printer name for NT systems.
So,pls help me as the submission date for my module is nearing by.
Pls reply me asap.
Thank you verymuch in advance.