Ehr said:
Im a newbie dealing with Server configuration stuff, im programming
in C# and i have some problems using the DNS service because i have a
laptop that it's not a domain member and it's unable to translate a
name>ip address, when all the domain members computer can access it.
What i can do to access that DNS server without joining to the domain
which the DNS belongs to?
In addition to the others suggestions (which I would like to see an unedited
ipconfig /all as well), how did you determine that it's not able to
translate a name to IP address? What tool did you use to determine that? Was
it ping, nslookup or a browser?
How were you accessing it too? Did you use a single name (the singleName or
NetBIOS name of the machine), or the FQDN ( qthe
tool you used? The suffix would have a factor here too with single names.
That is one reason to see an ipconfig /all. If your machine doesn't have a
suffix for the internal company's zone name and you are trying singleName,
then I can see why it "won't work", if that's what you mean by "it's not
If you can elaborate and provide that info, it will be extermely helpful.
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft MVP - Windows Server Directory Services
Microsoft Certified Trainer
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