Accessing Hardrives On Raid Setup


Dave Hannam

I have an ASUS motherboard with raid (2x80Gb) using Windows XPsp1, if I want
to boot up using a Windows ME floppy, how can I access the raided
hardrives.The theory is I had an ocassion when I lost my CDRoms and tried to
do a repair on XP. When starting the repair it asked for a file ASMS on SP1
CD, the only thing I could find was a Folder by that name and the repair
would not proceed. So then I lost access to my hardrives. I wanted to access
the hardrives so I could retreive files before I did a fresh install. So I
incidently could not get to them so I lost them.
Could someone give me a hint as to what I need to do in future!
Thanks, Dave.

Arny Krueger

Dave Hannam said:
I have an ASUS motherboard with raid (2x80Gb) using Windows XPsp1, if
I want to boot up using a Windows ME floppy, how can I access the
raided hardrives.The theory is I had an ocassion when I lost my
CDRoms and tried to do a repair on XP. When starting the repair it
asked for a file ASMS on SP1 CD, the only thing I could find was a
Folder by that name and the repair would not proceed. So then I lost
access to my hardrives. I wanted to access the hardrives so I could
retreive files before I did a fresh install. So I incidently could
not get to them so I lost them. Could someone give me a hint as to
what I need to do in future! Thanks,

XP drives(s) are proabably formatted NTFS, which WomME can't read. Try
accessing the drives with an XP or Win2K system.

Dave Hannam

Thanks Arny, I made a boot disk in XP, but when I boot the system up I get
the A:\> prompt but when I try to get into C:\> Drive it comes up with
Invalid Drive specification.


The bootable diskette you created with WindowsXP format command will boot
but it will not let you see NTFS formatted drive. It is intended to be used
as a way to update your Bios or other small functions, not related to
WindowsXP. Actually, it is Windows ME bootable disk.

Dave Hannam

Thanks Pavel, have you any ideas as to how I can access the raid setup that
I have?


It's not the RAID that is stopping you from accessing the hard drive but the
NTFS format. There is a free program called NTFSDOS from
that can be used to access the NTFS partition. It is a free program that
let's you read only the NTFS. Once you get it, simply put it on your
bootable floppy and run it. It will search for the drives on all NTFS
partitions and assign a drive letter to each. Once you get past this point,
you then will be able to access any file/folder on any drive. Using the dos
commands, you can then get your data to where ever you want.
If you can not find it at winternals (they seem to have changed their web
page and I was not able to actually find it there) then there is another
product from that is also able to do the same but it is larger
and it uses windows like interface.

Dave Hannam

Thanks Pavel, for your advice I will try and find the programs that you have
suggested and give them a try.
Thanks,Dave. :))

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