I was wondering if someone can help me with an web application design
problem. I have a aspx page which builds up an arraylist called addresses
and outputs the values in the arraylist items to a datagrid. I am using the
viewstate object to store the Arraylist items on the page on postback.
My PROBLEM is that I need to redirect the user to a new aspx page and on
this new page i need to be able to access the items in my arraylist. Is this
possible without using a session object?? Does the viewstate get lost when a
page is redirected?? Below is the code im using to create my arraylist and
store it in viewstate. Can i use Server.Transfer to do this?? If yes is it
Is there a simply way of doing this which I am overlooking??
Thanks to everyone who has helped me so far and thanks to any one who can
give me advice or help me now.
Items added to arraylist using contents of textboxes. Then bound to a
protected void cmdExcAdrContinue_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
ArrayList addresses;
addresses = (ArrayList) ViewState["Addresses"];
Address newAddress = new Address();
newAddress.Address1 = this.txtAddress1.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address2 = this.txtAddress2.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address3 = this.txtAddress3.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address4 = this.txtAddress4.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address5 = this.txtAddress5.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address6 = this.txtAddress6.Text.Trim();
ViewState["Addresses"] = addresses;
this.dgSearchAddresses.DataSource = addresses;
//clear down the textboxes
this.txtAddress1.Text = "";
this.txtAddress2.Text = "";
this.txtAddress3.Text = "";
this.txtAddress4.Text = "";
this.txtAddress5.Text = "";
this.txtAddress6.Text = "";
Added to arraylist using contents of another datagrid. Then they are saved
to state and bound to my datagrid.
private void dgResults_ItemCommand(object source,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
Address a = new Address();
ArrayList addresses;
addresses = (ArrayList) ViewState["Addresses"];
a.Address1 = e.Item.Cells[0].Text;
dgSearchAddresses.DataSource = addresses;
This is the page load event which enables my page to keeps its state between
posts and build up the arraylist.
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
ArrayList addresses;
// when the page is first loaded only
if( !IsPostBack )
addresses = new ArrayList();
ViewState["Addresses"] = addresses;
// on subsequent PostBacks:
addresses = (ArrayList) ViewState["Addresses"];
if( addresses != null )
this.dgSearchAddresses.DataSource = addresses;
This is the Address class which I use.
public class Address
private string _address1;
public string Address1
get{ return _address1; }
set{ _address1 = value; }
private string _address2;
public string Address2
get{ return _address2; }
set{ _address2 = value; }
etc, etc............
//private string _fulladdress;
public string FullAddress
return _address1 + " " + _address2 + " " + _address3 + " " + _address4 + " "
+ _address5 + " " + _address6;
problem. I have a aspx page which builds up an arraylist called addresses
and outputs the values in the arraylist items to a datagrid. I am using the
viewstate object to store the Arraylist items on the page on postback.
My PROBLEM is that I need to redirect the user to a new aspx page and on
this new page i need to be able to access the items in my arraylist. Is this
possible without using a session object?? Does the viewstate get lost when a
page is redirected?? Below is the code im using to create my arraylist and
store it in viewstate. Can i use Server.Transfer to do this?? If yes is it
Is there a simply way of doing this which I am overlooking??
Thanks to everyone who has helped me so far and thanks to any one who can
give me advice or help me now.
Items added to arraylist using contents of textboxes. Then bound to a
protected void cmdExcAdrContinue_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
ArrayList addresses;
addresses = (ArrayList) ViewState["Addresses"];
Address newAddress = new Address();
newAddress.Address1 = this.txtAddress1.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address2 = this.txtAddress2.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address3 = this.txtAddress3.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address4 = this.txtAddress4.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address5 = this.txtAddress5.Text.Trim();
newAddress.Address6 = this.txtAddress6.Text.Trim();
ViewState["Addresses"] = addresses;
this.dgSearchAddresses.DataSource = addresses;
//clear down the textboxes
this.txtAddress1.Text = "";
this.txtAddress2.Text = "";
this.txtAddress3.Text = "";
this.txtAddress4.Text = "";
this.txtAddress5.Text = "";
this.txtAddress6.Text = "";
Added to arraylist using contents of another datagrid. Then they are saved
to state and bound to my datagrid.
private void dgResults_ItemCommand(object source,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
Address a = new Address();
ArrayList addresses;
addresses = (ArrayList) ViewState["Addresses"];
a.Address1 = e.Item.Cells[0].Text;
dgSearchAddresses.DataSource = addresses;
This is the page load event which enables my page to keeps its state between
posts and build up the arraylist.
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
ArrayList addresses;
// when the page is first loaded only
if( !IsPostBack )
addresses = new ArrayList();
ViewState["Addresses"] = addresses;
// on subsequent PostBacks:
addresses = (ArrayList) ViewState["Addresses"];
if( addresses != null )
this.dgSearchAddresses.DataSource = addresses;
This is the Address class which I use.
public class Address
private string _address1;
public string Address1
get{ return _address1; }
set{ _address1 = value; }
private string _address2;
public string Address2
get{ return _address2; }
set{ _address2 = value; }
etc, etc............
//private string _fulladdress;
public string FullAddress
return _address1 + " " + _address2 + " " + _address3 + " " + _address4 + " "
+ _address5 + " " + _address6;