Gabby Shainer
I've written an ATL web server that implements a HelloDCOM method which then
calls a DCOM EXE server only to return the bstrInput prefixed by a "Hello "
When calling the DCOM interface, I get an E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005) error
code in return. What am I doing wrong?
my WebService method code:
HRESULT HelloDCOM(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInput, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR
*bstrOutput) {
ITestServer* connection;
// create the COM object
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TestServer, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,
IID_ITestServer, (void**) &connection);
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
CString err;
err.Format("Error creating DCOM instance : %X", hr);
*bstrOutput = err.AllocSysString();
return S_FALSE;
return connection->HelloWorld(bstrInput, bstrOutput);
In dcomcnfg I've given full access allowed to the Everyone, ASPNET, and
IUSR_GABBY (which is the account under which the IIS is configured to run
anonymous calls) users, for launching and accessing the DCOM server.
Your help will be much appreciated,
Gabby Shainer
The Relegence Corporation.
I've written an ATL web server that implements a HelloDCOM method which then
calls a DCOM EXE server only to return the bstrInput prefixed by a "Hello "
When calling the DCOM interface, I get an E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005) error
code in return. What am I doing wrong?
my WebService method code:
HRESULT HelloDCOM(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInput, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR
*bstrOutput) {
ITestServer* connection;
// create the COM object
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TestServer, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL,
IID_ITestServer, (void**) &connection);
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
CString err;
err.Format("Error creating DCOM instance : %X", hr);
*bstrOutput = err.AllocSysString();
return S_FALSE;
return connection->HelloWorld(bstrInput, bstrOutput);
In dcomcnfg I've given full access allowed to the Everyone, ASPNET, and
IUSR_GABBY (which is the account under which the IIS is configured to run
anonymous calls) users, for launching and accessing the DCOM server.
Your help will be much appreciated,
Gabby Shainer
The Relegence Corporation.