Access97 - str vars not recognized but hardcoded string is... HELP

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I am having a problem...
I am using Access97 and trying to use a database I downloaded to do
scheduled compacts from a list of databases.
The dbengine.compactdatabase method works when I hardcode a directory
but when I assign variables it returns 3055 invalid file name.
I have verified the string values are the same as what I have
hardcoded via the Debug window.
Any suggestions? Here is the code...

Thanks in advance!
‘I have ensured with the following via debug window that the strings I
inserted for testing are the same as the values of the variables during
execution. It works with the strings, but not the variables. (problem
encountered at the code marked between the ‘**************)

Function ng_Step2(pstrFileName As String) As Integer
'* Compact database file
Dim strTempFileName As String
Dim strFileNamePart As String
Dim strFolderPart As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim intRtn As Integer

On Error Resume Next

intRtn = False

If IsNull(pstrFileName) Or pstrFileName = "" Then
GoTo exit_section
strFileName = pstrFileName
End If

Dim rx As Integer
Dim rxa As String
Dim rxw As Integer
rx = 1
rxw = 0
Do While rx <> 0 ' find last \
rx = InStr(rxw + 1, strFileName, "\")
If rx <> 0 Then
rxw = rx
End If
strFolderPart = Left(strFileName, rxw)
strFileNamePart = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - rxw)
'MsgBox (strFolderPart & ":" & strFileNamePart)


If Len(strFileNamePart) > 4 Then
strTempFileName = "tmpCAL" & Left(strFileNamePart, Len(strFileNamePart)
- 4) _
& Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss") & ".mdb"
strTempFileName = "tmpCAL" & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss") & ".mdb"
End If

If strFileName = "C:\MyFolder\MyFileName.mdb" Then
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strFileName, strFolderPart & strTempFileName, ,
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strFileName, strFolderPart & strTempFileName
‘ This line works DBEngine.CompactDatabase
End If
If Err <> 0 Then
ng_UpdateHistoryRec "message = message & 'Error during database compact
= " _
& Err & "; ' "
GoTo exit_section
End If

Kill strFileName
If Err <> 0 Then
ng_UpdateHistoryRec "message = message & 'Error deleting original
database = " _
& Err & "; ' "
GoTo exit_section
End If

Name strFolderPart & strTempFileName As strFileName
If Err <> 0 Then
ng_UpdateHistoryRec "message = message & 'Error renaming temp compacted
database to original database name = " _
& Err _
& " temp database name is " & strFolderPart & strTempFileName & "; ' "
GoTo exit_section
End If

intRtn = True

On Error Resume Next
ng_Step2 = intRtn
End Function
Just a guess, but perhaps you need to put quotes into the variables ...

strFileNname = Chr$(34) & strFileName & Chr$(34)

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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