Access2000: ControlTipText property


Arvi Laanemets


MS Help does say:
"You set the ControlTipText property by using a string expression up to 255
characters long."

But in Properties window, I can enter only string, not a string expression?
To be more specific, I need this propertie for textbox on contionous form to
be set to
=Iif(HiddenFieldValue=0;""; "Difference: " & HiddenFieldValue)
, so when I hold the mouse pointer over the control, and the value,
calculated in field HiddenFieldValue for this row is not 0, a proper message
is displayed. (All rows where HiddenFieldValue<>0, are also colored by
conditional formatting, but I want to give additional information about how
big and with which sign the difference is.)

With single form, I can use VBA for this, but I think it doesn't work with
contionous forms in a way I want - the tip text depends on active row and is
same for all rows.

Thanks in advance for any help
Arvi Laanemets

Allen Browne

I doubt there is a way to set the ControlTipText with a value that is
different in different rows of a continuous form/datasheet.

Arvin Meyer

Allen Browne said:
I doubt there is a way to set the ControlTipText with a value that is
different in different rows of a continuous form/datasheet.

As usual, Stephen Lebans has done it again:

I don't think his code addresses the poster's question though. As I
understand it, ControlTips cannot be set, at least in the property sheet, to
a function.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Stephen Lebans

Someone, I think one of the MVP's, combined my ToolTip class with my
ConFormsCurrentCOntrol solution to provide what the OP is asking for. I
just did a quick search but cannot find the sample MDB(if there was is

I'm busy at the moment working on a solution to the CF issue of max 3
conditions and don't want to get distracted. Hopefully the OP can figure
this out themselves.

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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