Access XP and HP4650 Printer Driver Incompatibility

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We have been experiencing an intermittent problem using the Access XP runtime
with an HP4650 printer on a Windows 2003 Terminal Server.

The problem occurs if the HP4650 is set as the default printer and we try
and print or preview any report that is set to go to the default printer.
What happens is that we get error 2213, 'There was a problem retrieving
printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a
printer that is unavailable.', and the report does not appear or print.

If the default printer is changed to an HP4600 or some other printer then
the problem does not occur. The problem is intermittent in that sometimes
printing will work for the whole duration of the session. We have changed the
printer driver used for the printer from an HP4650 to an HP4600 driver and
that seems to work fine.

The user it occurs for is a member of the Administrators group and we have
deleted and recreated their account to no effect. All of the printers have
been setup as local printers on server and the mapping of client printers has
been disabled on the server.

We have tested using Access 2003 instead and that works fine.

Are there any known problems with Access XP and certain printer drivers? If
not, then how is it that Access 2003 does not have any problems?

There are no KB articles on this driver vis a vis A2002 so I doubt its a
know issue. Thinks to check as always:

a.) Are you up to date on service packs for Access 2002?
b.) Are you using the latest driver from HP?
c.) Does it occur with one db only or with all dbs? If its one db only,
then try decompiling the db as follows:

Before running the following procedure, make sure that you have backed up
your database.

a.) Create a short cut to the MSAccess.exe for the A 2002 executable on your
b.) Right click on the short cut and bring up its properties.
c.) In the Target box in the short cut, append the full path to your
database in quotations, followed by the /decompile switch

The target string would look something like this:

"%Path To MS Office%\Msaccess.exe" "c:\some directory\some file.mdb"

Where %Path To MS Office% is the full path the full path to the MSAccess

d.) Hold down the shift key and run the short cut.
e.) Hold down the shift key and compact and repair your database.
f.) Open any module and fully compile the database.
g.) Again, hold down the shift key and compact and repair your database.