Access versions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry
  • Start date Start date


If I install MS Office Pro 2003 and create an Access 2003
application, will this run on another machine that has MS
Office XP Pro with Access 2002? Both machines have
Microsoft XP operating systems. I didn't think there was
backward-compatibility with versions of Access like this,
but I'm hearing otherwise.

By default, Access 2002 (XP) and 2003 will make mdb files in the 2000
format. Access 2002 and 2003 are also able to use the 2002 format. What is
not backward compatible is newer functions and other capabilities that are
in the newer version. For a listing of these, search the help file for
What's New.
Access 2003 uses the same MDB structure as 2002.

Access 2003 and 2002 can use Access 2000 files without any issue, except you
cannot release an MDE.

All previous versions (including Access 97) used completely different
formats. You cannot modify the objects in an A97 file unless you convert to
one of the later versions.
So if I am doing some Access work for a customer and they
give me an Access 2002 database to modify, I can do this
at home using MS Office/Access 2003 and return it to them
and it should still work in their MS Office XP/Access 2002
environment (as long as I dont incorporate any newer

Thanks for the help!