Access ver 2003 and ver 2007



I have several *.mdb files which if I convert I cannot run with
Visual Basic 6.
But I can load into ver 2007 but get multiple conversion errors 28 the
last time.
Q. Is there any way I can turn off the error reporting when I load a 2003

Q. When I click the More button is there anyway to set this to always look
at the hard drive first?


Tony Toews [MVP]

LondonLad said:
I have several *.mdb files which if I convert I cannot run with
Visual Basic 6.
But I can load into ver 2007 but get multiple conversion errors 28 the
last time.

What errors?
Q. Is there any way I can turn off the error reporting when I load a 2003

What do you mean by Error Reporting? That option where if A2003
crashes it sends information to Microsoft? Please leave that on as MS
really does look at that information to fix Access and other programs.
Q. When I click the More button is there anyway to set this to always look
at the hard drive first?

Very likely no.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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