I am using the VBA function WEEKDAY() to convert dates into the day of the
week. But it is too slow. Here is the detail of the problem:
I have a Access table named "TestTbl5" with three fields, one named
"Tran_Dt" (Date/Time type) and another named "DayOfWeek" (Number type,
default to -1). The table has about 1,100,000 records and I used the
following VBA code to convert "Tran_Dt" into day-of-the-week and store it in
Dim Num As Integer
Set DlyDmdRD = New ADODB.Recordset
DlyDmdRD.CursorLocation = adUseClient
DlyDmdRD.Open "SELECT * FROM TestTbl5", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
Do While Not DlyDmdRD.EOF
Num = Weekday(DlyDmdRD.Fields("Tran_Dt")) - 1
If Num = 0 Then Num = 7
DlyDmdRD.Fields("DayOfWeek") = Num
Set DlyDmdRD = Nothing
The code works. But it is so slow that it is taking more than 7 HOURS to
complete. Does anyone know of faster way to accomplish this. I considered the
SQL Scalar function DAYOFWEEK(), since it should be faster. But it does not
work in this context.
Many thanks!
week. But it is too slow. Here is the detail of the problem:
I have a Access table named "TestTbl5" with three fields, one named
"Tran_Dt" (Date/Time type) and another named "DayOfWeek" (Number type,
default to -1). The table has about 1,100,000 records and I used the
following VBA code to convert "Tran_Dt" into day-of-the-week and store it in
Dim Num As Integer
Set DlyDmdRD = New ADODB.Recordset
DlyDmdRD.CursorLocation = adUseClient
DlyDmdRD.Open "SELECT * FROM TestTbl5", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
Do While Not DlyDmdRD.EOF
Num = Weekday(DlyDmdRD.Fields("Tran_Dt")) - 1
If Num = 0 Then Num = 7
DlyDmdRD.Fields("DayOfWeek") = Num
Set DlyDmdRD = Nothing
The code works. But it is so slow that it is taking more than 7 HOURS to
complete. Does anyone know of faster way to accomplish this. I considered the
SQL Scalar function DAYOFWEEK(), since it should be faster. But it does not
work in this context.
Many thanks!