Access VB Run time error '2136500594 (800f00e)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nahoten
  • Start date Start date



In Access2007 this code sometimes run, sometimes do not run.

Error code:Run time error '2136500594 (800f00e)

It runs unde XP or Vista, but do not run under Win2003 server

Have you ever seen this:

Public Sub Q_Ini()
Dim x As Variant
Dim P As String
Dim Form As String
Dim FormVisible As Boolean
Dim IniHiba as Boolean

IniHiba = False

If Q_SV("IniProcessVisible") = "True" Then
FormVisible = True
FormVisible = False
End If

Form = "F_Q_SysIni"
DoCmd.OpenForm Form, acNormal, , , , acHidden

'Error in the next line.-------------------------------------------

Forms("F_Q_SysIni").Visible = FormVisible
Thanks, for your answer.

I modified the codse as below, but it is not work either.

I have got this error message only on Win20003 server.
On XP or Vista machine it is working.

The modified code:

Public Sub Q_Ini()
Dim x As Variant
Dim P As String
Dim Frm As String
Dim FormVisible As Boolean
Dim IniHiba as Boolean

IniHiba = False

If Q_SV("IniProcessVisible") = "True" Then
FormVisible = True
FormVisible = False
End If

Frm = "F_Q_SysIni"
DoCmd.OpenForm Frm, acNormal, , , , acHidden

'Error in the next line.-------------------------------------------

Forms("F_Q_SysIni").Visible = FormVisible
Than so lot for your help!

Every access rigts are ok on the server. I am the Administrator.

These program lines are so simple. I can not understand, why is not work.
The command opens a form only, in it's siple way.

The program is good, because on other machines it is working.
I tried to make a .ACCDE file but the error is the same.

I choose the access for the simplicity of work. The environment always the
same, I thougtht it will always works if Office works. But not.

I do not know what can I do, really.
Thank you for your help.

error number is: -2146500594 (not like in the topic subject)
error description is: Automation error

I made a new Win2003 server machine and the code is working on it, but an
another XP machine it is not work.
I can not understand it.

I have tried your idea to delay the open of the form, but it was not
