Access using Terminal Server over dialup

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date


Hello again,

We are tinking about using MS-Access with Windows 2003
Terminal Server over a VPN. Would a dialup suffice for
this or do we need a higher speed line. There are 4-5 MS-
Access databases roughly 20MB apiece. There will only be
around 6 remote users using a VPN with dialup to access
the databases. Any rael world experiences or advice would
be useful.

Thank you,

I am not sure about Windows 2003 Terminal Server but I
have used Citrix. According to Citrix people, you need
the equivalent of minimum 20 kbit/sec dedicated per remote
client. We have VP of 64 kbit/sec (shared with other
traffic) and the Access application (not very heavily
used) seems to run OK for remote users.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)
Dial up will work.

You can test this now, as the remote desktop support built into windows is
the same technology as Citrix/Terminal services.

Of course, you did not use a bunch of colors and graphics in your
application. You stick to nice default gray screens...right?

Dialup is a bit sluggish..but it certainly is workable. Any connection
better, or even just a bit faster then dialup, and you can hardly tell the
difference between working in the office on a pc, or remotely. So, TS is
VERY good.

Just make sure the color settings etc for TS are set to the lowest possible.
Make sure compress is set on, and the caching of bit maps.

Keep your screens free of graphics, and funny colors. You should be just