Access Training

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I want to know where i can get a complete access traning material that
can study and become an expert at home.Help pleaaas
sojourner said:
I want to know where i can get a complete
access traning material that i can study and
become an expert at home.

Here's a long list of sources of free or low-cost training material that I
posted in response to another question today. I haven't taken any courses
from the company that Arvin recommends, though I know of and respect many of
their instructors. They are NOT inexpensive, either for homestudy material
or for attending their classes, however.

"Follow this (and other microsoft.public.access...) newsgroup and the USENET
newsgroup Read the questions and answers, even if
they aren't immediately pertinent to something you are doing.

You'll find detailed information on specific subjects in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base at, lots of information of
varying kinds at, tech articles on
developing Access database applications at, and very current
Office information, including tutorials, at Office Online,

One of the very best sources of Access information that I know about is The
Access Web, FAQ site for, which you'll find at There are links there to many other sites with
good-to-great Access information. There are some different links at, and some that are duplicates. A really good
"all-round" Access site is that of MVP Tony Toews,

The only Access newsletters that I know about are what I would consider
"pricey" for the few articles they contain. The one magazine that once was
totally devoted to Access has also gotten pricier at the same time that its
Access coverage has dwindled . I no longer subscribe to that magazine and
don't recommend it. I've never subscribed to the "pricey" newsletters, but
have seen sample copies. I respect many of the authors, but can't recommend
them at the price.

As for books, you'll find some recommendations in some of the referenced
sites. For the true novice, I like "Access <versionnumber> Step by Step"
from Microsoft Press, or "Special Edition - Using Microsoft Access
<versionnumber>" by Roger Jennings from Que or "Microsoft Access 2003 Inside
Out" by John L. Viescas from Microsoft Press. To move from Power User to
Developer, "Programming Microsoft Access <versionnumber>" by Rick Dobson
from Microsoft Press is good. And for an invaluable reference for the
developer, you can't beat "Access <versionnumber> Developer's Handbook" by
Litwin, Getz, et al, from Sybex.

Frankly, a comparable amount invested in any of these books would, in my
view, be better spent than a year's subscription to any of the magazines or

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP
Best bet is for learning how to use access is to learn the uses of a
database in general.

Study the following at your library:
1. Database Relationships
2. Database Normalization (what are the steps)
3. Understanding fields and field specifications
4. Tables, forms, reports etc... what are they
5. one to one, one to many, many to many do you know how to set these up
6. Setting up good solid relationships based on business rules etc...
7. Design criteria???
8. etc...

Well if you read about those 7 it should get you pointed in the right
direction. Just starting off using access is a big mistake. First you have
to get the fundamentals down. Its best if you take a university course first
or have a long conversation with a Computer Science/IT graduate student.
