Access to these newsgroups blocked by NAV

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous Bob
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Thanks, Bob. This weekend is blOctoberfest on our block, so I can probably
claim to be more (under the?) influence than Joe-six-pack. Will see what I
can do.
Bill Sanderson said:
Thanks, Bob. This weekend is blOctoberfest on our block, so I can probably
claim to be more (under the?) influence than Joe-six-pack. Will see what I
can do.

Given Octoberfest...Monday or Tuesday would be fine.<g>

Bob Vanderveen
Bill Sanderson said:

No, thank you!

I'm surprised that there wasn't more attention to this problem. I guess it
might be that NNTP has now taken a back seat to web forums.

Bob Vanderveen
I think it wouldn't be too hard to analyze--pull in some representative
groups and check the headers--see what proportion are posted via the web
sources, and what have headers indicating NNTP. Not something I know how to
do easily though.

There are two questions, though--there are askers and answerers, and there
are low volume posters and high volume posters. No one category is
necessarily better than the other, but you do want to retain high volume
answerers if they are providing useful information...

I've flirted with the HTML side over time, but I can never reach any
significant degree of cmfort with it--response time is either too long or
too variable. I can never find the right settings to work efficiently--see
all the unanswered questions, and/or respond to those I have participated in
that now have further activity.
