Access to the path " is denied

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick.O.Ige
  • Start date Start date


I moved web apps to Win2003.
I have given read/write access rights to machinename/IIS_WPG but still
getting the error
"Access to the path "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myApp" is denied. "

Also gave machinename/IIS_WPG rights to the folder myApp
What i notied is that the folder has Read Only attributes ticked if i right
clicked myApp properties .
Could this be the problem ?
But i have tried turning off the read only.
But when i go back and check the folder after turning it off the read only
attribute stil remain ticked..
Any ideas??
What are you trying to write to that folder?

I think you need permissions for on of these 2

the app is trying to load an XML document
and it would also have to write to an XML document.
Are you saying giving write and read permission isn't enough?
And i taught with WIN 2003 there is no ASPNET acct ?
Not sure of IUSR_mahinename too?
Pls elaborate
Juan thanks for the hint.
But its not doing the trick i didn't know WIN 2003 has this issue and no
idea if microsoft has a fix for it.
See this link at :-
I have added all the groups i can think of and gave them the right
permissions also tried to change the attribute from the cmd as technet
adviced but to luck.
Also changed the share permission still no luck.
All the folders on under wwwroot are all read only but the files aren't they
said its a "Tri-Mode Flag "
Please if you have a fix let me know.
Juan after spending pullig out my hair i go it working..
But i need to clarify what accts and shares i needed to add to make it work
As explained earlier in the article i posted the read only doesn't really
mean anything..
I added the Network acct,IUSR,group IIS_WPG ,Everyone and my domain usename
Also shared the directories..
I will psot more on this..
I will post more on this..

Please do.

But i need to clarify what accts and shares i needed
I added the Network acct,IUSR,group IIS_WPG, Everyone and my domain usename
Also shared the directories.

It should be relatively straight forward to test by sequential removal.

Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
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