Access to Shared folder in Nework



I am using Winxp SP2 and logged in to Server 2003. First, It is taking more
time to log in to the server. For some After login, I can access the network
computers shared in the network, Whether it is Win200, Win98 SE etc. If i
want to open a shared folder after an hour, I cannot get access to the
Network, some time asks for the network login password for that shared
computer (which I have opened earlier without any password). Some time other
Win 98 users in the network can access my shared folder, some time cannot.
Some time Win 98 users from the network cannot print from the Printer
attached to Winxp system. Please help me in this matter.

Richard G. Harper

Make sure the DNS settings on your XP SP2 client are correct - it should be
looking only at the domain DNS server for name resolution.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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I am using Winxp SP2 and logged in to Server 2003. First, It is taking more
time to log in to the server. For some After login, I can access the network
computers shared in the network, Whether it is Win200, Win98 SE etc. If i
want to open a shared folder after an hour, I cannot get access to the
Network, some time asks for the network login password for that shared
computer (which I have opened earlier without any password). Some time other
Win 98 users in the network can access my shared folder, some time cannot.
Some time Win 98 users from the network cannot print from the Printer
attached to Winxp system. Please help me in this matter.

You have 2 possible issues.

First, do you have a domain (If not, why not?)? If you do, setup the domain
properly so Windows XP computers can find the domain controller.

Second, if you're going to have a network with Windows 98 and Windows 2000 / XP
/ 2003 together, you need to disable the browse masters on the Windows 98

Please let us know if any of these suggestions are of any help. What you learn
may help others in the future, and that's the purpose of these forums.

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