Access to Network hard disk behind a router

Feb 21, 2007
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Hi to everyone.

Hi have a Maxtor Shared Storage connected to a Zyxel HW660-61 router trhough ethernet cable. I want to access the hard disk from my office, through Internet.
I know the IP adress of the router and I succesfully tried to log in in the router.

How to pass it and access the hard disk that have a fixed LAN IP?

Someone told me something like: set up my router to redirecting a particular port to the IP adress associated to the maxtor. In this way calling my router IP adress from the net, using that particular port, I should have acces to the Maxtor Shared Storage. Seems logical?
Do you know which port has to be set and if I need a program to call my router on that port? (telnet,internet explorer using "IP
ort" ?)

Thanks a lot to everyone who can suggest me, I hope to have explained it clearly

You could set it up as a fileshare same as on a local network, but that could (potentially) make files available to other internet users. To prevent this, you could change the exception value to only allow access to your office machine's IP.
You could then access by mapping a drive to //IP/drive name

Alternatively use something like Novell's netdrive.
i'm not entirely sure how this would work in your situation but when my friend controlled my mac from his house i had to set the routers DMZ to the local IP of my mac so when he connected to my IP via the net the connection was forwarded to the laptop