Control panel icon not present on Start menu and unble to enter Windows
Security Centre or Add/remove program via 'All Programs'. Also unable to use
'system restore' either in normal or safe mode. I get messages advising
operation cancelled because of retrictions and contact the Administrator. I
have used my PC at home for over two years and have no need or never been
involved with the Administrator ?
My PC has Windows XP Home Edition and have carried out full scans with
Bullguard, Spybot, Registry Mechanic, AVG etc. which picked up Trojon virus
which were destoyed.
I have seen some previous advice to resolve by making a small registry
change as follows which I could carry out but need some one to reassure me
that a non techi could do !
Firstly enter Regedit - HKey Local Machine, software, microsoft , windows,
current version, polices, explorer which I have done.
This gave me message in right hand window - 'No Control Panel', REG_DWord ,
If I right click on' No Control Panel' I am given two choices either 'Modify'
or 'Modify binary data'
Can some one please give me a bit of assurance before I modify binary data
change the '1' to a '0'. Also what about the (1) bit on the end does that
to be changed to '0' as well ?
Security Centre or Add/remove program via 'All Programs'. Also unable to use
'system restore' either in normal or safe mode. I get messages advising
operation cancelled because of retrictions and contact the Administrator. I
have used my PC at home for over two years and have no need or never been
involved with the Administrator ?
My PC has Windows XP Home Edition and have carried out full scans with
Bullguard, Spybot, Registry Mechanic, AVG etc. which picked up Trojon virus
which were destoyed.
I have seen some previous advice to resolve by making a small registry
change as follows which I could carry out but need some one to reassure me
that a non techi could do !
Firstly enter Regedit - HKey Local Machine, software, microsoft , windows,
current version, polices, explorer which I have done.
This gave me message in right hand window - 'No Control Panel', REG_DWord ,
If I right click on' No Control Panel' I am given two choices either 'Modify'
or 'Modify binary data'
Can some one please give me a bit of assurance before I modify binary data
change the '1' to a '0'. Also what about the (1) bit on the end does that
to be changed to '0' as well ?