I have below some code that opens excel and imports a sheet from it.
I now need a bit of code inserted into the below code that transfers a
table from access ("Material_Demand_18Mths") to excel, overwriting the
existing sheet in there. Then my code below will take it back out
Existing code:-
Option Compare Database
Function AutomateExcelProvision_Other()
Dim xl As Object
Dim SourceFile As String
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
SourceFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\harperro\Desktop
\SAP_Planner_SAVED\x RECAL_MODEL_DEMAND_Linked.xls" '
xl.Workbooks.Open SourceFile
xl.Visible = False
xl.Wait (2000)
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
Set xl = Nothing
End Function
I now need a bit of code inserted into the below code that transfers a
table from access ("Material_Demand_18Mths") to excel, overwriting the
existing sheet in there. Then my code below will take it back out
Existing code:-
Option Compare Database
Function AutomateExcelProvision_Other()
Dim xl As Object
Dim SourceFile As String
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
SourceFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\harperro\Desktop
\SAP_Planner_SAVED\x RECAL_MODEL_DEMAND_Linked.xls" '
xl.Workbooks.Open SourceFile
xl.Visible = False
xl.Wait (2000)
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
Set xl = Nothing
End Function