Hi, Keith.
it read - Compiler error and underneath "Error on loading DLL"
Ensure that the DAO and MSADO libraries are properly registered. To do so,
click the Windows Start button, and then click Run. If your DAO and MSADO
libraries are installed in the default directories, then use the following
command for the DAO library (otherwise, just replace the paths with your own
-- note this is all one line):
Regsvr32.EXE "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO360.DLL"
Use the following command for the MSADO library (this is all one line):
Regsvr32.EXE "C:\Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\Msado15.dll"
If this doesn't help, then download and install the latest version of MDAC:
http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.
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