Access staying in memory

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Hello al

I have a problem with the termination of my access application. Ever by the termination of my access application, access remain in memory and it is shown in the taskline. It is not possible to terminate access then in normal way, the only alternative is to kill them in taskmanager via "task terminate" or "process terminate".
Please, can anybody help me to prevent this behavior

Thanks, Fiete
Likely somewhere in your code you've created an object that references a
recordset or other object in ACCESS, and you're not closing that object (and
then setting it to Nothing) before you quit the application. This is a
common cause of this behavior.

Finding it may not be simple, depending upon the length of the code.....

Ken Snell

Fiete said:
Hello all

I have a problem with the termination of my access application. Ever by
the termination of my access application, access remain in memory and it is
shown in the taskline. It is not possible to terminate access then in normal
way, the only alternative is to kill them in taskmanager via "task
terminate" or "process terminate".