Currently have a database where the user logs in his username and password
(not using workgroup security). If a succesful login is made (user & password
exist on the security table), then user's privileges are read from the table,
and these are used to set permissions for Forms/Reports. I tested 1 form to
enable/disable Additions/Deletions/Edits depending on user's privileges.
Instead of having to code this (On Open Event) for each form, I was wondering
if I could use some Global (Module) code that can be used to Open & set
permissions, then I would not need to code each form, just put 1 line in
Form's On Open Event to call the public Function. I can use the Docmd.Open
form with acEdit or acAdd parameters, but If I want to allow deletions but
not Add/Edit, then I can't do this using the Docmd.OpenForm. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.
(not using workgroup security). If a succesful login is made (user & password
exist on the security table), then user's privileges are read from the table,
and these are used to set permissions for Forms/Reports. I tested 1 form to
enable/disable Additions/Deletions/Edits depending on user's privileges.
Instead of having to code this (On Open Event) for each form, I was wondering
if I could use some Global (Module) code that can be used to Open & set
permissions, then I would not need to code each form, just put 1 line in
Form's On Open Event to call the public Function. I can use the Docmd.Open
form with acEdit or acAdd parameters, but If I want to allow deletions but
not Add/Edit, then I can't do this using the Docmd.OpenForm. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.