Charles Ulrich
Although my day job is typically working with PostgreSQL and MySQL
databases, I've recently been tasked to design a DB in Access. One of the
requirements of the design is that they want real user- and group-based
security. This is my first time using Access, and after skimming through a
few books on the topic, I thought it would be up to the task.
I've read countless articles (including the famous Access Security FAQ) and
I'm now well familiar with the concepts of groups, users, workgroup
information files, WIDs, PIDs, and the like. But there's just one thing
that hasn't yet been directly answered: If I create a DB on one machine and
forbid all but the necessary users from opening it, is there anything
stopping an unauthorized person from merely copying the *.mdb file off the
file server onto their laptop or some other machine and then opening it in
their copy of Access?
If the answer is yes, how? And how does Access link the users, groups,
permissions, etc in a workgroup information file to a particular database?
(Near as my research has shown, the two are nearly completely separate. I'm
still trying to figure out why the workgroup information isn't stored in
the DB itself like every other DB on the planet.)
I have seen people mention that you have to remove all rights from the
built-in Admin user as well as the Admins and Users groups. I have done
that and I can still open the DB, read it, modify it, and all on a machine
with a fresh Office 2003 install and no custom workgroup information file.
This is not exactly what my customers want. :/
If anyone can shine some light on this dreary subject, I would most
appreciate it. Thanks.
Although my day job is typically working with PostgreSQL and MySQL
databases, I've recently been tasked to design a DB in Access. One of the
requirements of the design is that they want real user- and group-based
security. This is my first time using Access, and after skimming through a
few books on the topic, I thought it would be up to the task.
I've read countless articles (including the famous Access Security FAQ) and
I'm now well familiar with the concepts of groups, users, workgroup
information files, WIDs, PIDs, and the like. But there's just one thing
that hasn't yet been directly answered: If I create a DB on one machine and
forbid all but the necessary users from opening it, is there anything
stopping an unauthorized person from merely copying the *.mdb file off the
file server onto their laptop or some other machine and then opening it in
their copy of Access?
If the answer is yes, how? And how does Access link the users, groups,
permissions, etc in a workgroup information file to a particular database?
(Near as my research has shown, the two are nearly completely separate. I'm
still trying to figure out why the workgroup information isn't stored in
the DB itself like every other DB on the planet.)
I have seen people mention that you have to remove all rights from the
built-in Admin user as well as the Admins and Users groups. I have done
that and I can still open the DB, read it, modify it, and all on a machine
with a fresh Office 2003 install and no custom workgroup information file.
This is not exactly what my customers want. :/
If anyone can shine some light on this dreary subject, I would most
appreciate it. Thanks.