Access Rights to a computer




One of the computers in my Lan network isn't seeing our central workgroup.

I confirmed the wrkstation is part of the same workgroup. When I try to view
the workgroup from that persons computer I get access denied because of
rights issues. How do I give right to that persons computer to see other
wkstations in the workgroup network?

Please advise. thanks!

Bruce Chambers

Rob said:

One of the computers in my Lan network isn't seeing our central workgroup.

I confirmed the wrkstation is part of the same workgroup. When I try to view
the workgroup from that persons computer I get access denied because of
rights issues. How do I give right to that persons computer to see other
wkstations in the workgroup network?

Please advise. thanks!

You don't give access permissions to the computers in a workgroup, you
give them to the users.


Bruce Chambers

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