Access Reports - One to many relationship output to Word

  • Thread starter Thread starter macrobater
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It's me again. Which means the solutions you offer cannot be coded in VBA,
for I am, the Macrobater! ;) Kidding aside...

I'm trying to create a document in Word. The document is a trip report
which contains all deficiency reports pertaining to that site at the end of
the overall trip report. Much of the front data is boilerplate that will be
edited by the user. The deficiency reports are all contained in Access in
tables with a one to many relationship.

I've looked at mail merge, but it doesn't appear that I can get relational
tables out of Access and into Word with mail merge. Creating the report in
Access and outputting in RTF would be fine, except how do I get the document
boilerplate info in front of the table data?

I've looked at the marketplace. I've tried to work with a few of the
products but if there is a solution in one of them, I don't understand how to
use it to accomplish what I need.

I'm not looking for you guys to necessarily do my work, but point me down
the right path. I don't want to spend a great deal of time trying to make
mail merge, or reports do something it will never do. If you had to create
such a report, what path (outside of coding the report) would you take? Is
there an application that could make all of this easy for a price?

Thanks in advance,
I have always thought of mail-merge as sending a form letter to a bunch of
It sound to me like you want boiler plate to be in front of your trip report

You should be able to use textboxes in headers with your narrative boiler

In those cases where the text must be different based on the report data use
a flag to bring in the contents of the corresponding memo field (A - All's
right with the world, B- Something is rotten in Denmark, C - The world will
end tomorrow).