Access Report + SQL Server SPROC
Server = SQL Server 2000 SP3 + Windows 2000 SP4 (MDAC 2.8)
Client = Access 2000 SP3 + Windows 2000 SP4 (MDAC 2.8)
I have a sproc as the record source for an Access Form,
which is fine.
I have an Access Report which is based on the same sproc,
but it is not fine.
Every time the report loads, it pops up with Input box's
asking for the parameters to be passed, even though the
Record Source and Input Parameter properties are set in
the same way as the Form which works.
The code is on the onOpen Event of the report is this:
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strYear As String
Dim strPeriod As String
Dim strCC As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strUser As String
Dim strParam As String
strYear = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtYear], "%")
strPeriod = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtPeriod], "%")
strGroup = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtGroup], "%")
strUser = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtUser], "%")
strCC = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtCostCentre], "%")
strParam = "@Year char = " & strYear & ", @Period char = "
& strPeriod & _
", @CC char = '" & strCC & "', @Group char = '" &
strGroup & _
"', @User char = '" & strUser & "'"
Me.InputParameters = strParam
Me.RecordSource = "sp_Get_Lines_02_Reports"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Sub
The code is the same for the report as the form, the form
loads using the correct criteria as passed via the Input
Parameter property on the onOpen Event.
The report does not, it starts with Input box's for each
of the expected parameters.
I've seen a couple of other people post this problem
elsewhere but with no luck. This appears to be a bug
which has existed for a long time, I wonder why it hasn't
been sorted....
Im going to post this in sql server and access newsgroup,
as maybe there are experiances/resolutions on both sides...
This is a really frustrating issue, any advice would be
greatfully recieved.
Many thanks.
Server = SQL Server 2000 SP3 + Windows 2000 SP4 (MDAC 2.8)
Client = Access 2000 SP3 + Windows 2000 SP4 (MDAC 2.8)
I have a sproc as the record source for an Access Form,
which is fine.
I have an Access Report which is based on the same sproc,
but it is not fine.
Every time the report loads, it pops up with Input box's
asking for the parameters to be passed, even though the
Record Source and Input Parameter properties are set in
the same way as the Form which works.
The code is on the onOpen Event of the report is this:
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strYear As String
Dim strPeriod As String
Dim strCC As String
Dim strGroup As String
Dim strUser As String
Dim strParam As String
strYear = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtYear], "%")
strPeriod = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtPeriod], "%")
strGroup = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtGroup], "%")
strUser = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtUser], "%")
strCC = Nz([Forms]![frm_01_start]![txtCostCentre], "%")
strParam = "@Year char = " & strYear & ", @Period char = "
& strPeriod & _
", @CC char = '" & strCC & "', @Group char = '" &
strGroup & _
"', @User char = '" & strUser & "'"
Me.InputParameters = strParam
Me.RecordSource = "sp_Get_Lines_02_Reports"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Sub
The code is the same for the report as the form, the form
loads using the correct criteria as passed via the Input
Parameter property on the onOpen Event.
The report does not, it starts with Input box's for each
of the expected parameters.
I've seen a couple of other people post this problem
elsewhere but with no luck. This appears to be a bug
which has existed for a long time, I wonder why it hasn't
been sorted....
Im going to post this in sql server and access newsgroup,
as maybe there are experiances/resolutions on both sides...
This is a really frustrating issue, any advice would be
greatfully recieved.
Many thanks.