Access 2002 and Windows XP
I have data in the detail section of a report which is by quarter and by month. What I want to do is to find the avg of this data over each quarter. I have the data grouped by person and have an unbound field in the group footer. It works but avgs all the data in the detail section. I can't work out how to get it to just avg the data by each quarter. e.g Q1 = july, august, sept. Would love some advise on this please.
I have data in the detail section of a report which is by quarter and by month. What I want to do is to find the avg of this data over each quarter. I have the data grouped by person and have an unbound field in the group footer. It works but avgs all the data in the detail section. I can't work out how to get it to just avg the data by each quarter. e.g Q1 = july, august, sept. Would love some advise on this please.