Access Replication between multiple partial replicas

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Is there a way to automatically pull in all of the replica's changes
automatically. In my setup, the databases will all be stored on a network
file share that only 1 user will have access to. He will run the sync once a
week or so and then had out copies of the partial replicas to the individual
parties for use during the week. At the end of the week, the copies
(modified) will be copied back replacing the original version. Is there any
way to automatically sync up all (16) replicas automatically on command from
the end user?

David Pulliam
=?Utf-8?B?RGF2aWQgUHVsbGlhbQ==?= <David
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in
Is there a way to automatically pull in all of the replica's
changes automatically. In my setup, the databases will all be
stored on a network file share that only 1 user will have access
to. He will run the sync once a week or so and then had out
copies of the partial replicas to the individual parties for use
during the week. At the end of the week, the copies (modified)
will be copied back replacing the original version. Is there any
way to automatically sync up all (16) replicas automatically on
command from the end user?

Your design is completely wrong. You can't copy replicas around from
the server to the users. And copying over top of existing replicas
will create "dead replicas," which are a huge mistake. See this
explanation of why (you may have to unwrap the URL onto one line):

Also, why are you using partial replicas? Why not use full replicas
and filter for each users in the application?
For security and control reasons, Drop box style replication is all that
security practices used by the DB users will permit as only one user is
permitted to touch the master database for replication and I doubt they will
allow the individual users access to that master copy in order to sync up.
Is there any way to setup drop box style replication? MSSQL and Oracle are
out of the question (I have been told this DB is part of a 3rd party system).

[why partial replication:]
For security and control reasons, Drop box style replication is
all that security practices used by the DB users will permit as
only one user is permitted to touch the master database for
replication and I doubt they will allow the individual users
access to that master copy in order to sync up.

Your explanation about why you use partial replication makes zero
sense. What do you mean by "master database?" If you mean the Design
Master, what does that have to do with anything? Full replicas don't
have to synch with the DM. They can synch with any other replica.
Is there any way to setup drop box style replication?

Yes, of course -- indirect replication uses drop boxes, but I'm not
sure what you mean by the term if you aren't referring to Jet's
indirect replication.
MSSQL and Oracle are
out of the question (I have been told this DB is part of a 3rd
party system).

I didn't suggest you use an alternative.
As for the partial replicas, its a security issue as well.

This makes no sense to me.

And you didn't seem to notice that I told you that your plan is
bound to fail with corruption and data loss (i.e., you're planning
to purposely create dozens if not hundreds of "dead replicas").