Access Relationship issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew
  • Start date Start date


I have 4 tables linked together with the primary key of
client number. This is a autonumber field when data is
entered into the form should create the same number
through out the other tables as client number 1. When I
enter data on the form it creates separate client numbers
or has no data if that part of the form is left blank.
Please help.
I have 4 tables linked together with the primary key of
client number. This is a autonumber field when data is
entered into the form should create the same number
through out the other tables as client number 1.

No, it shouldn't. Autonumbers do not work that way! They are
COMPLETELY ARBITRARY, and you cannot count on an autonumber in one
table linking correctly to an autonumber in any other table.
When I
enter data on the form it creates separate client numbers
or has no data if that part of the form is left blank.

Your related tables should have a Long Integer foreign key ClientID;
to enter data into the related table you can use a Form based on the
main table and Subforms based on the related tables.

Note that one to one relationships are quite uncommon; usually you can
just include the fields in one table rather than having two tables
with the same primary key. Are you certain these shouldn't be one to
many relationships (which would also use the foreign key/subform
approach, just not using ClientID as the primary key)? What
information is in these related tables?
Thanks for the input, here is more of the total picture.
See attached spreadsheet: (Couldnt attach to this site or
send directly to you.) I am obviously inexperienced with
Access, so thanks in advance for you patience. I sent the
email direct due to attachment. So I shouldn't have auto
numbers as primary key for client ID my thought was it
would generate on table1 then go to others but that is
wrong. After seeing the whole picture what change would
you recommend.

Contact Manager1
Client Number AutoNumber
Salutation Drop Down Text - Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mr. & Mrs.
ClientFirstName Text
ClientMI Text
ClientLastName Text
SpouseFirstName Text
SpouseMI Text
SpouseLastName Text
Address Text
City Text
State Text
ZipCode Text
ClientCompany Text
ClientTitle Text
SpouseCompany Text
SpouseTitle Text
HomePhone Text
WorkPhone Text
CellPhone Text
Fax Text
Email Text
ClientType Drop Down Text - Client, Referal,
Prospect, Lead

Marketing & Contact Manager2
ClientType Drop Down Text - Client, Referal,
Prospect, Lead
LastDateContacted Date/Time
ContactLog Memo
NextScheduledContact Date/Time
MarketingCampaign Text
ClientSource Relationship,Mailing,Ad,Calling

Other Client Information3
Client Number AutoNumber
ClientDOB Date/Time
ClientSoc# Text
SpouseDOB Date/Time
SpouseSoc# Text
Child1 Text
Child1DOB Date/Time
Child1Soc# Text
Child2 Text
Child2DOB Date/Time
Child2Soc# Text
Child3 Text
Child3DOB Date/Time
Child3Soc# Text
General Memo
Asset Update4
Client Number AutoNumber
Account#1 Text
AccountType Text
InvestmentDescription Text
AssetSize Currency
SystematicInvestments Currency
TrailerBased Yes/No
ShareClass Drop Down A,B,C,T or FeeBased
Account#2 Text
AccountType2 Text
InvestmentDescription2 Text
AssetSize2 Currency
SystematicInvestments2 Currency
TrailerBased2 Yes/No
ShareClass2 Drop Down A,B,C,T or FeeBased
Account#3 Text
AccountType3 Text
InvestmentDescription3 Text
AssetSize3 Currency
SystematicInvestments3 Currency
TrailerBased3 Yes/No
ShareClass3 Drop Down A,B,C,T or FeeBased
Account#4 Text
AccountType4 Text
InvestmentDescription4 Text
AssetSize4 Currency
SystematicInvestments4 Currency
TrailerBased4 Yes/No
ShareClass4 Drop Down A,B,C,T or FeeBased
Account#5 Text
AccountType5 Text
InvestmentDescription5 Text
AssetSize5 Currency
SystematicInvestments5 Currency
TrailerBased5 Yes/No
ShareClass5 Drop Down A,B,C,T or FeeBased
etc..up to 10
Thanks for the input, here is more of the total picture.
See attached spreadsheet: (Couldnt attach to this site or
send directly to you.) I am obviously inexperienced with
Access, so thanks in advance for you patience. I sent the
email direct due to attachment. So I shouldn't have auto
numbers as primary key for client ID my thought was it
would generate on table1 then go to others but that is
wrong. After seeing the whole picture what change would
you recommend.

If you would like to EMail me, bear in mind that I'm a self-employed
consultant, volunteering my time on the newsgroup as a public service.
Private EMail support is therefore reserved for paying clients; I'd be
willing to send you a copy of my terms if you're interested. File
attachments are NOT welcome in this text-based newsgroup, so it's just
as well you didn't post it - nobody would download it anyway.

Comments about table structure inline. I'd suggest that you need to
get a good book on database structure and normalization; this
structure has quite a few problems!
Contact Manager1
Client Number AutoNumber
Salutation Drop Down Text - Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mr. & Mrs.
ClientFirstName Text
ClientMI Text
ClientLastName Text
SpouseFirstName Text
SpouseMI Text
SpouseLastName Text

You might want to consider a "people" table; having separate fields
for client and spouse can be a problem (leaving NULL data for single
clients, not to mention "families" which might have three or more
people with whom you will need to deal.
Address Text
City Text
State Text
ZipCode Text
ClientCompany Text
ClientTitle Text
SpouseCompany Text
SpouseTitle Text
HomePhone Text
WorkPhone Text
CellPhone Text
Fax Text

A Phones table related one-to-many to the Client table is probably
better here.
Email Text
ClientType Drop Down Text - Client, Referal,
Prospect, Lead

Marketing & Contact Manager2

Is this a field, or a table name?
ClientType Drop Down Text - Client, Referal,
Prospect, Lead

Is this redundant with the ClientType field in the table above? How is
this table related to the Client table?
LastDateContacted Date/Time
ContactLog Memo

If you're keeping a log of contacts you would be VASTLY better off to
keep it as a true log table:

ClientID Long Integer <link to Clients>
ContactDateTime Date/Time <these two fields are the Primary Key>
PersonContacted <link to an Employees table>
Subject Text
Notes Memo

This would have one record for each contact; the last date contacted
and next scheduled contact should be calculated on the fly, not
NextScheduledContact Date/Time
MarketingCampaign Text
ClientSource Relationship,Mailing,Ad,Calling

Other Client Information3
Client Number AutoNumber
ClientDOB Date/Time
ClientSoc# Text
SpouseDOB Date/Time
SpouseSoc# Text
Child1 Text
Child1DOB Date/Time
Child1Soc# Text
Child2 Text
Child2DOB Date/Time
Child2Soc# Text
Child3 Text
Child3DOB Date/Time
Child3Soc# Text
General Memo

Again... put the DOB, SOC# and other client information in the Client
table or the suggested People table; children are people too and
should also be in the People table, one record per child, with a Long
Integer ClientID linking to the Client table.
Asset Update4
Client Number AutoNumber
Account#1 Text
AccountType Text
InvestmentDescription Text
AssetSize Currency
SystematicInvestments Currency
TrailerBased Yes/No
ShareClass Drop Down A,B,C,T or FeeBased

AGAIN... one client, many accounts, using the ClientID as the linking
field in a one to many relationship.

You're using a relational database, not a spreadsheet! USE IT