Access Query criteria displaying incorectly



I have a simple query which I have a true/false field in. I would like to
only display the true records so I ad "true" into the criteria section the
field and run the query.
It works displaying those records with a true value in the relivant field.
The problem is that they some are are diplaying "false" as the value (even
though the query works and they are True it actually displays incorect value
as false).

The ones showing as an error used to be false, so maybe it is remembering
that some how when it comes to displaying. I cant find a setting to explain

The query is running from another query which is running from a table linked
to an csv. file (all their values are displayed with no problems). I am
running access 2007 .

any help would be appriciated.


Lord Kelvan

are you absolutely sure that the value is actually true in the actual
table and are you sure you put the criteria in the right place.



I know it sounds strange but the value is definitly "true" in the query it
come froms (and the table before it). and The criteria field i use is the box
in query design just below the show check box and i literaly type "true" and
thats it .
the weird thing is that the criteria works just displays incorectly.


Lord Kelvan

can you open your query and then click on view then click on sql view
and copy and past that stuff here and also a sample of the data that
is comming out and note where it is wrong


John W. Vinson

I have a simple query which I have a true/false field in. I would like to
only display the true records so I ad "true" into the criteria section the
field and run the query.
It works displaying those records with a true value in the relivant field.
The problem is that they some are are diplaying "false" as the value (even
though the query works and they are True it actually displays incorect value
as false).

The ones showing as an error used to be false, so maybe it is remembering
that some how when it comes to displaying. I cant find a setting to explain

The query is running from another query which is running from a table linked
to an csv. file (all their values are displayed with no problems). I am
running access 2007 .

As Lord Kalvan suggests, please post the SQL. Do you have any OR logic - i.e.
are there criteria on two or more lines of the query grid? If so you may need
to enter some criteria on each line rather than just one line. Also, is there
an Index on this yes/no field? It's possible that the index is corrupted.
Compacting the database should help in that case.

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