Access Propercase



I'm very curious. I have a book I'm working through on Access using VBA. One
of the chapters speaks of using ProperCase([FirstName]) but this doesn't work
as a direct command. The books has me import a "Samples" database with an
"mdlUtilityfunctions" built in. After doing this, the ProperCase([FirstName])
works. What is this "mdlUtilityfunctions" and why did I have to import it to
get it to work? Why isn't this an option via Access to begin with?

Rick Brandt

Debbie said:
I'm very curious. I have a book I'm working through on Access using
VBA. One of the chapters speaks of using ProperCase([FirstName]) but
this doesn't work as a direct command. The books has me import a
"Samples" database with an "mdlUtilityfunctions" built in. After
doing this, the ProperCase([FirstName]) works. What is this
"mdlUtilityfunctions" and why did I have to import it to get it to
work? Why isn't this an option via Access to begin with?

It's a custom function that the author of the book created and once you
imported it you could use it. The built in Access command that does the
same thing is...

strConv([FirstName], 3)

Now, the above will not work for all first names because it will capitalize
all words following a space. It is possible that their custom function
included a list of exceptions to try to deal with words that should not be
capitalized. If you aren't worried about that then the function above would
work for you.


Ah, I see.
Sounds like the author isn't being very fair to the students.
What happens in the real world when we try to use the function?
We're left hanging wondering why it doesn't work.
Thank goodness we have this forum to rely on.

Thanks for your reply Rick.
I appreciate your time.

Rick Brandt said:
Debbie said:
I'm very curious. I have a book I'm working through on Access using
VBA. One of the chapters speaks of using ProperCase([FirstName]) but
this doesn't work as a direct command. The books has me import a
"Samples" database with an "mdlUtilityfunctions" built in. After
doing this, the ProperCase([FirstName]) works. What is this
"mdlUtilityfunctions" and why did I have to import it to get it to
work? Why isn't this an option via Access to begin with?

It's a custom function that the author of the book created and once you
imported it you could use it. The built in Access command that does the
same thing is...

strConv([FirstName], 3)

Now, the above will not work for all first names because it will capitalize
all words following a space. It is possible that their custom function
included a list of exceptions to try to deal with words that should not be
capitalized. If you aren't worried about that then the function above would
work for you.

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