Access problems when opening a .dbf file



I have been using the following line of code succesfully to open a few
..dbf files. On a Mac

Workbooks.Open FileName:=(ActiveWorkbook.Path) & ":DATA:AECODE.dbf"

For some un known reason I now get the following error message, where I
previously didn't

The file maybe read-only, or you may be tring to access a read-only
location. Or the server the document is stored on may not be

I guess I must have inadvertantly changed something but I can't figure
out what.
The files are read only but that should not stop me opening them, I
tried changing them to read & right and I still get the same message.
Making it a little stranger, the same line of code will open some .dbf
files with exactly the same access privlidges and not others (more
often it won't open them).

Why can't I open these files, how can get arounf this problem.

Many Thanks


I have now figured out that when using the following lines it will only
open the first file, regardless of which order I put them in

Workbooks.Open FileName:=(ActiveWorkbook.Path) & ":DATA:AHDR.dbf"
Workbooks.Open FileName:=(ActiveWorkbook.Path) & ":DATA:AECODE.dbf"
Workbooks.Open FileName:=(ActiveWorkbook.Path) & ":DATA:ATLR.dbf"
Workbooks.Open FileName:=(ActiveWorkbook.Path) & ":DATA:ASERV.dbf"


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