Access or Excel (which program would be more effective)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jessica
  • Start date Start date



I am uncertain as to what type of Application I should use
for this type of data input.

I have a project that should include the following and
tracking of information:

1. A mail merge letter generated in Word
2. Monthly reminder payments i.e., current, delinquent,
final payment, etc.
3. Financial Assistance Plan (log sheet)
a)Date and Amount
b)Check Sent
c)Total to date
d) Reimbursment, Amount, Rec'd
4. Balance Sheet

This is just a general outline as to the type of
Application I need to design.

Thanks for any suggestions render for this project.

Sounds like a rather normal business database application to me; I'd try for
a "fully developed application" that can easily be used by someone who's not
an "Access database person" nor an "Excel spreadsheet person", but whose
specialty is the business function. I think you'll find that significantly
easier to do with Access than with Excel.

That said, if the user is very familiar with Excel, you _could_ do what you
want in Excel.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP